
by Ryan on November 11, 2014

Watched this video about Photoshop Dispersion Manipulation

Watched this video about Crack and Peel face effect

Resarched DIY white background wall mounted pole for photography.
low profile backdrop wall mount

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How to Create Rainbow Colored Smoke

by Ryan on August 12, 2014

Load image of smoke to photoshop
Add new layer
Chose blend mode to color
Hold Alt & click between layer one and two
Go to window, swatches, and then cyan brush, then chose between the three main colors.


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Where to Find Free Stock Photos for Photoshop

August 12, 2014


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How to Create a Room Effect in Photoshop

August 12, 2014
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How to Create Solar / Star Flare in Photoshop

August 12, 2014
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How to Find the Center Point in Your Photoshop Image

August 12, 2014

Go to the top navigation menu then select View then rulers a ruler should now appear on the top and the left of your image. The next step is to go back up to View, then make sure snap is selected. This will be important and I’ll show you why in just a second. Now […]

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How to Add Text in Photoshop

August 12, 2014

Adding text is a popular way for logo designers, illustrators, and creatives to get their message across by using more than just an image. Adding text is quite simple to do in photoshop. Simply find the text Left click on the image where you’d like the text to start. Start typing your message on the […]

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How to Create an Arrow Line in Photoshop

August 12, 2014

Select the line tool The top toolbar for the line tool will appear. In this example I’m going to 1. select a fill color of red 2. select a weight of 15px 3. click on the wheel looking icon, then click the start option Then on the image, simply click and drag a line. The […]

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How to Move a Text Layer in Photoshop

August 12, 2014

So you’ve added some text to a photo in photoshop, but don’t like the location of where it’s placed. How do you move it? The process is quite simple, and can be done in just a few steps. I’m assuming that at this point you have a current photoshop document open, along with a some […]

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How to Create a Sound Wave in Photoshop

August 12, 2014

In this quick tutorial I’ll show you how to create a sound wave like image and add color to it by using a gradient. Your final image will look like this: So let’s get started. 1. Create a new photoshop file. In this instance I’ll be using 1200 width by 600 height in pixels. 2. […]

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